
Thursday, 21 November 2013


Cos-play- "costume play", the act of dressing up as a fictional character.

Is this fun? Yes! Is it cool? No! Is it nerdy? Hell yeah!
Whats the idea? You wake up one morning and decide to be extra nerdy and dress up like a tv character? Freaky!

Worse are people that dress up as marvel characters like superman. How're you gonna wear a pant on your trousers? Your balls will get sticky and you'll then start walking like a retarded horse. Sheesh!

Now I just saw a couple of cosplay pictures and besides the fact that it's nerdy, I think it's amazing! I'm actually thinking of trying it out. Does mean i'm a nerd? ...

Eeh i'm pretty sure everybody has once thought about dressing up as a tv figure or tried it, even if it's for picture sake.

Tell me, if you were to dress up as a fictional character, which would it be?


  1. Lol what cosplay is the black guy with the crazy hair?

    I tried spongebob cosplay once

  2. Umm! Thor, hehehe...

  3. Aww the mario and luigi cosplay is nice. I'll probably do my children but not

  4. Lol the "fuck yeah" cosplay is totally something I can do

  5. Itachi or Altair cosplay

  6. The Itachi cosplay>>>>
    I'd do Eizo or fuck yeah
