
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Selena Gomez - 'Not hot enough'?

Selena gomez, in a moment of inspiring banter in between songs was caught on camera at her latest concert explaining to her legions of fans what "sexy" means to her.

"The kids trust me, the parents trust me, and I just have to say: Thank you!"
Gomez said during her "Stars Dance" Tour. "Because I hear you guys. I hear
what you're telling me ... the stories that you guys go through, and I have to say that I know exactly what you feel. Sometimes it is so hard. "But I have to tell you, I get it all day, every day," the 21- year-old continued. "That I'm not sexy enough, or I'm not cool enough,or if I did this I would be accepted. Let me tell you one thing: the sexiest thing ... is class. I promise you that each and every one of you is made to be who you are. That
is what's so attractive and beautiful. Please
don't forget that, even when it gets hard."

Gomez is certainly doing her best as a role model,  to instill confidence in her young fans, which is always a good look.

Miley Cyrus should read this...

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